Ron Burnsban
born: 2074
sex: male
species: stickfolk
height: 5'11
power: the vibe check-regenerative abilities
Ron's story
Ron Burnsban is a freelancer for hire who goes around helping people across craisen.
He obtained the power of the vibe check threw Stephan, who taught him everything he knows about the vibe check.
Ron has the power of Regenerative abilities
Ron’s primary goal in life is to help others with their problems, he didn’t have it when he was a child so he gives what he didn’t have.
his ultimate goal is that he want's to make a world where people don't have to worry about others.
Philosophy: everyone has two sides to them, whether it be emotional or physical.
That makes opening up to people a gamble, will they understand you, or mock you?
-Ron's name was made after watchin a Wilbur soot video
-Ron was the first person to be seen using his secondary and main power in the adventures of stickman and ron