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a miniverse is created when someone decides to time travel. the past cant change so when someone time travels it creates a branch from which the time traveler resides, hence creating a new miniverse.


creating a miniverse can go wrong in two ways, you can time travel improperly and create a time mite, and you still end up at your destination, but the time mite would eat the branch entirely if not dealt with.

you can also stress out the timeline by creating too many branches in one spot, about 50. the length of which you can create branches without making the timeline unstable is about one year.

and if left unkept the main timeline would cut itself off right before the branches, so that time may progress smoothly again. this does mean total annihilation of the people in the branches cut off.

an advanced miniverse is if someone time traveled in an already existing branch. the miniverse

multiverses aren't limited to just universes. all the other verses can also create omniverses.

however that would get messy real quick, so the celestials put up a firewall so that only universes can generate miniverses. so if you do try to time travel outside the universe you would be alerted to the celestials/council of alters and be taken to court for your crimes. the branches on the branches do not affect the main branches.

main timeline

new branch

advanced branch

portion of miniverse about to cut off from timeline

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