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basic organs

the organs of the stickfolk are very similar to the homosapien species, however stickfolks organs have been compressed, but not to worry; the organs work just as well because of the oxygen intake.

stickfolk have special gills under their head, which allows them to breath longer and help their organs work properly. 

however with these gills comes risk of things getting into them, to stop anything from getting in, stickfolk use hair on the head and face. the male gills are more thick in the front, so they grow hair on the front of the face. the female gills are thicker in the back, so they grow hair on the forehead; and reach down to guard the gills.

the heart is the only organ that is the size of the homosapiens, which allows stickfolk to be able use their body to the fullest extent.

when food gets digested in to the body, the energy dissolves into the Omni Life Core. 

and because of that, stickfolk have a somewhat organic and mystical  connection to the power of Omniversal Life Magic.

head gills

Life Core Pattern


Stickfolk can be categorized into three different races, some pictures are outdated



they usually live to about 85-98 years.

Enlions have a more thin body type, with the most notable difference being the head, which appears as a hole every way you look at it.

the ring around their head is an illusion caused by a gland in their head, purpose unknown in most universes.

they are considered royalty in most universes because of that. they usually live to about 75-90 years.

Cragulauns have adapted to the underground, they have an extra set of eyes to help them navigate threw caves. they have hands which let them hold on to the walls. they grew feet that lets them hang off the celling with ease.

while they primarily live in caves that doesn't mean they are forced to live in caves; they can go outside.

unlike the other types of stickfolk, cragulauns can only be variants of gray.

the common age for Cragulauns is at least 60-72 years.

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